We stayed there for two nights, then off to camp outside Katie and Matt's house (on the road), and some grandparent duties looking after little Otto.
Nikki and Zac came over for a visit, so it was lovely having time with all the family.
We discovered that Zac loves moving to the music!
Otto loves looking at trains, so we took him on a tram trip down to Flinders Street station for some train spotting.
Sadly it was time to say our goodbyes. We were booked on a day crossing on Sunday, so we headed down to Port Melbourne on Saturday afternoon, to look for a place to stay so we were close to the Spirit of Tasmania for the early morning departure.
Amazingly we found a place with no parking restrictions, and right near a lovely park.
Last time we had stayed on the esplanade and it was a bit noisy. This place was lovely and quiet. We met up with friends from our Cambridge Caravan Club, Bev and Dave, and had an enjoyable meal with them at a Thai Restaurant nearby.
We were up early the next morning, to get organised for our day crossing. Thermos's, bread rolls, snacks, plus computers, iPads etc etc. Then off to queue to get on to the boat. It was a full sailing, and we had to wait for a while to get on.
The swell was a bit big after we got through the heads, but settled down after a few hours thank goodness. We got off the boat at about 6.30 pm, and headed for the RV camp spot called Horsehead Creek. It was really just a carpark, but we were happy to stop for the night. We had a lazy morning and so got a knock on the door from a fellow from the Devonport Council asking for our permit. We explained that we got in too late to get one, and assured him that we would pay up the $10 as we were leaving. He explained that the fee was too appease the caravan parks in the area. That was the first bit of 'accommodation' that we had paid for the whole trip!!
Our last stop before we got home was to be our holiday place at Coles Bay. It had been raining heavily on the East Coast, so we went to check that Randall's leak fix had been working. Fortunately it was all good, so we enjoyed a night there. We both think that in all our travels that Coles Bay is a very special place!
We arrived back home, and felt we were in luxury with so much space! It was lovely to be home and catch up with my mum and Randall's mum and dad. Now to plan for the next adventure!